Sunday, March 9, 2008

Gingerbread House

This is a gingerbread house. It smells good! We used pieces of gingerbread for the sides and walls and roof. Then we put on pretzels for the windows and round candies for the door. Then we put jelly beans in a pattern on the top. Then we made cookies and we decorated them. We used them for the windows and on the front of the house. We put an egg, a tulip, and a bunny outside the house. Then we put candy corn around the house, and then we put a cross on top and it makes it a church. We put crosses in the windows to make it look like stained glass. It was fun! Happy Easter!!!


MaryD said...

This is great! And I love Bethany's profile picture... it's a very nice picture! I'm going to have to copy it and put in our digital picture frame! We miss you all!!

DaveD said...

Hey Beth, what a great project. Do you think, if we call you and talk on the web cam, we'll be able to SMELL it?? I sure hope so!!

Anonymous said...

I do not think so.

DaveD said...

Well, I think I'm going to try anyway. I'm sure it smells really really good, just like any gingerbread house would! You and Ben sure did a great job. It must have taken you all day. Hope you have a very happy Easter!

A Thinker said...

I'm one of your Mom's friend from Bible study. Here's some advice about your wonderful creation. Do you have a dog? If so, be careful becasue when I was your age, I made a gingerbread house almost as great as yours, but my dog jumped up on the table and ate it! Happy Easter!

Anonymous said...

I don't have a dog yet, but I want one!!! There's not so many bad things about dogs. Thanks for the advice though.

Anonymous said...

Good work ''Art girl.'' you should post again soon

Ben#14 said...

Good work ''Art girl.'' you should post again soon